Schedule and Events
Studio Events 2024-2025
Fall 2024
Performance Classes:
October 24th 4:00p.m.-5:00 p.m. ET (Remote Students)
October 30th 5:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m. ET (In Person Students)
Festivals/Competitions: ​
Orchestra Concerto Competition (MD students) November 2nd- Saturday
performance live / No rehearsal November 9th – Saturday
Piano Concerto Competition (MD students) November 9th
performance live during competition​
4th MMTF Pat Simpson Concerto Competition (In-person students)​
Ensemble Festival (MD students) December 7th
Fall Master Class - October (In-person students)
Community Recitals:
St. Augustine Catholic Church and Student Center (Coral Gables, FL)
pending date
The Palace Nursing Home (Coral Gables or Weston)​
pending date​
MMTA Fundraising Gala- December 7th -Tentative (In-person students)
Pileggi Private Studio Christmas Recital - December 7th: 11:00 a.m. (ONLINE)
Spring 2025
Performance Classes:
April 24th 4:00- 5:00 p.m. ET (Remote Students)
April 30th 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. ET (In-person students)
Music Through the Ages Festival - February 8th (MD Students)
FMTA Concerto Competition - February ( In-person students)
MMTA Honors Recital - March (In-person students)
Ensemble/ Chamber Competition - March 1st (MD Students)
Lisa Bussing Memorial French Competition/
Henri Carol Awards- April 5th (MD Students)
Kirchhof, Mirabella,Wardall and
MSMTA Performance Award - May 3rd (MD Students)
Community Recitals:
Little Sisters of the Poor Washington, D.C. - June- Tentative (Remote Students)
Senior Recitals - DMV - Pending Dates and Locations
Guild Auditions and/or RCM Exams
May- June 2025
I encourage all students to register for these!
General Music Enrichment:
New World Symphony Concerts for Kids ($30 for both Fall and Spring Concert listed): Dates TBD
Open Rehearsal Observations (New World Symphony)- this is only available upon my reservation for grades 5 and up! Should anyone be interested in observing a professional orchestra rehearsal in the Fall please let me know. These sessions are free for students and there is an opportunity for Q and A with the conductor and musicians afterwards.
Instrument Zoos (New World Symphony)- this is an opportunity for your little ones ages 4-9 to try out various instruments including strings, piano, percussion, brass and winds. These are typically one hour before the concerts for kids start. ​​
NSO Family Concerts and Instrument Petting Zoos- for the MD students. I highly recommend going to these concerts or petting zoos before the concert to try out an instrument for fun or just explore the Kennedy Center! (dates are TBD.)
NSO In Your Neighborhood- these free concerts, master classes, and chamber ensembles are a very fun resource worth tapping into!
Recent Studio Events
Congratulations to all students on completion of your Guild Auditions or any Spring Recitals!
The studio will be closed Labor Day, the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day, and the Friday following, for two weeks during the Christmas- New Years Holidays, for Thursday and Friday prior to Easter and the Monday following, Spring Recess for one week, Memorial Day, Independence Day (for the summer students).